Expand Your Expertise in Sleep Apnea Management

Expand Your Expertise in Sleep Apnea Management

Expand your business and expertise by providing your patients with Customised 3D printed Mandibular Advancement Devices, helpful in the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea.

An added benefit includes the diagnosis of sleep apnea following international standards, enabling you to initiate at-home sleep studies for diagnosis and management of sleep apnea.

The MADs are FDA approved and designed to meet international standards. The course will be conducted by Dr. Christopher Pantin.

Once the course is completed you will be on boarded exclusively for your area and the company and other doctors will refer patients to you for oral appliances for sleep apnea.

₹10,000 + taxes with accreditation

Mumbai       - 18th & 19th Jan 2025
Bangalore   - 20th & 21st Jan 2025


Dr. Christopher Pantin
BSc, BDSc, Grad Cert Adult Sleep Science
(Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Specialist)

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